1) Anatomically correct heart necklace, gift
2) Red French cuffed button up, Goodwill, $3.80
3) Black cigarette pants, Express via eBay
4) Thigh high gray leather boots, $60, Kenneth Cole Reaction via flash sale site
It's raining here all day today. For those who are unaware, I live in the scrub brush desert, and we get an average of 13 in of precipitation a year. We're also in a drought. Rain is a HUGE deal here. I busted out my rocker pirate boots in celebration. I normally wait til it gets a bit cooler for these, but the rain made it necessary for shoes that weren't fabric, suede, stiletto, or sandals, ruling out almost all of the shoes I own.
Anyways, these are my pirate rock star boots. I love these things because the section above the knee can be cuffed, and is studded/ riveted on one side and plain on the other. This in effect gives me pirate boots and rock star thigh high boots in one pair. 2 styles, one pair? Hell yeah, I'll pay extra for those!
That's one of my big things, in case you haven't noticed yet. How many ways I can I wear, rewear, and repurpose this article of clothing? If the answer isn't more than one, I leave it on the hanger and walk away, no matter how gorgeous it is. It just doesn't fit into my closet and I'm not buying extraneous crap just to fit one article of clothing.
Killer boots! Everyone needs a good pair (or two, or three...).